Terms of use
The site neovia-tp is the property of the company NEOVIA which assures the exploitation.
Exploitation of the site
SAS au capital de 240.000 euros
RCS Evry B 491 243 549
Head Office: ZI de Lisses – 7 Rue des Malines – 91000 EVRY – FRANCEEditorial Director
Eric Gonot – Président of Neovia
7 Rue des Malines – ZI de Lisses – 91000 Evry – FranceHosting
17 rue Dupin – 75006 Paris
RCS 499 981 116 Paris- http://www.hibox.frDesign
17 rue Dupin – 75006 Paris
RCS 499 981 116 Paris- http://www.hibox.frAdress
NEOVIA La Nouvelle Voie – ZI de Lisses – 7 Rue des Malines – 91000 EVRY – Tel : 01 64 98 16 60 – Fax : 01 64 98 16 61 – SAS with capital of 240.000 € – registered in the register of companies of Evry under the number RCS Evry B 491 243 549
Terms of use
This website is accessible 24h/24, 7 days a week, except in the case of force majeure, technical, computing difficulties or telecommunications as well as during the periods of maintenance or update. In these cases in particular NEOVIA saves himself the faculty, to interrupt at any time and if necessary without advance notice, the access to the site, to end or to modify the characteristics of consultation of the site NEOVIA wich can not be held responsible for consequences resulting from such interruptions or modifications. More generally, NEOVIA reserves the right to bring any modifications of whatever nature to the contents of the site. The communicated information is guaranteed only in date of update of the site, date mentionned on the homepage, the internet user beyond this date has to make sure of the preservation of the proposed conditions.
The informations texts, images, logos, photos, drawings, illustrations supplied on the site www.neovia-tp.fr as well as the brands, cannot be totally or partially copied, reproduced, given up or distributed, because benefiting from protection in conformance with the intellectual property laws in particular from the copyright. The general structure, as well as th software, the texts, the moving or fixed pictures, its know-how, the drawings, the illustrations and element making up the site are the property of the company NEOVIA.
Hypertext links set up on this site in the direction of present information on the network Internet or put at the disposal by our partners were able to be the object of express authorizations. The NEOVIA company which can not proceed to the permanent control of these contents, she cannot be held responsible for whatever reason for the contents of the sites of these partners and clears any responsability in the hypothesis where these contents would be lacking in legal obligations, statutory or contractual.
The internet user recognizes that the use of the site www.neovia-tp.fr as such, as well as the activities which can be developped on the site, are governed by the french law. Any contesting of whatever nature, concerning the application of the present general terms and about the use and the consultation of the site must be carried before the courts by Versailles alone competent, even in case of call in guarantee, or in case of application for interim measures.
Personal data of the Internet users and the reproduction right of the information
Nous vous proposons sur ce site de nous fournir des renseignements qui nous permettent notamment de vous adresser la documentation que vous souhaitez. Si vous ne souhaitez pas de documentation, vous pouvez visiter notre site sans avoir à vous identifier ou à vous enregistrer. Si vous souhaitez nous adresser un message électronique, votre adresse électronique sera automatiquement collectée, ce qui nous permettra de répondre à votre courrier.
Les informations nominatives sont destinées à NEOVIA qui, de convention expresse, est autorisée à les conserver en mémoire informatique ainsi qu’à les communiquer à ses sociétés affiliées et ses partenaires pour la commercialisation des produits proposés.
Conformément à l’article 34 de la loi ” informatique et libertés” n° 78-17 du 06 janvier 1978 vous disposez d’un droit d’accès, de modification, de rectification et de suppression des données qui vous concernent.Il s’agit, d’un droit individuel qui ne peut être exercé que par la personne concernée relativement à ses propres informations. Pour exercer ce droit adressez-vous à : NEOVIA – 7 Rue des Malines – 91000 Evry – France
En cas de rectification il sera adressé sur demande une copie des informations rectifiées.
We suggest you on this site supplying us information which allow us in particular to you the documentation which you wish. If you do not wish documentation, you can visit our site without to have to become identified or to record you. If you wish to send us an electronic message, your e-mail adress will automatically be collected, what will allow us to answer your mail.
The name specific information is intended for NEOVIA who, of express convention, is authorized to keep them in memory computing as well as to communicated them to his affiliated companies and his partners for the marketing of the proposed products.
According to the article 34 of the law “Computing and liberties” N78-17 of January 06th, 1978 you have an access right, a modification, a rectification and an abolition of the data which concern you. It is a question, of an individual right which can be exercised only by the person concerned with regard to its own information. To exercise this right adress in: NEOVIA 7 Rue des Malines – ZI de Lisses – 91000 EVRY – FRANCE.
In case of rectification will be sent on request a copy of the rectified information.
This site uses services of analysis of web site proprietary or supplied by external services providers, as the solution Google Analytics, proposed by Google Inc. These services of analysis use cookies, wich are text files placed on your computer, to help the web site to analyze its use by the Internet users. The data generated by cookies concerning your use of the site (including your IP adress) will be temporarly stored in the waiters of the host and in the waiters of google located in the United States. This information will be exploited with the aim of estimating the use of the site, of compiling reports on its activity and of supplying other services relative to the activity of the site and to use of Internet. Google may communicate these data with thirds in case of legal obligation or when these thirds process these data for Google will not recut your IP adress with any other datum held by Google. You can deactivate the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate parameters of your sailor. However, such a deactivation could prevent the use of certain features of this site. By using this website, you agree expressly to the treatment of your name specific date in the condition and for the purposes described above.
Acceptance of general terms
The user of the present site recognizes it acquainted at the time of the consultation and at the time of the use of the site, the present mentions on this screen and expressly declares to accept them without reserves. The validation is considered by the Internet user as having the value of an acceptance of the traveled pages, and so, the Internet user recognizes he completely informed about the contents of the concerned pages when he proceeds to the validation. The present general conditions can be printed and are available for consultation at any time.
The rights you have over your data
You can change your consent to the management of the site’s cookies at any time. All you have to do is click on the following link
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If you have an account or if you have left comments on the site, you can request to receive a file containing all the personal data we hold about you, including the data you have provided us with. You may also request the deletion of your personal data. This does not include data stored for administrative, legal or security purposes.To request a deletion or export of your data related to the WordPress site itself (user account, comments, etc.), please use the form below :